CLC Campaigns

Our Labour Council is responsible to deliver CLC National Campaigns within our community. We host events, distribute material and connect different unions and community groups in our area around issues. We also participate in CLC lobbies of MP’s where we address issues like pensions, unemployment insurance, good jobs, etc. Labour Councils educate, motivate and engage activists at the grassroots level.

Municipalities Matter

Labour Councils take a great interest in municipal politics—the decisions made at the local government level affect us the most in our everyday lives. From our drinking water to our recreation sites, we advocate for accessible, quality public services. The SDLC is proud to participate in this CLC campaign where we help elect progressive candidates. 


Women in Canada are done waiting. End wage discrimination. End sexual harassment and violence. Fix the child care crisis. For more information please visit

Pharmacare: A Plan for Everyone

Canada’s unions are proud that we’ve won health insurance coverage for man of our members. But we believe anyone with a health card should have coverage for the medicines they need. That’s why we’re working to win a universal prescription drug plan that covers everyone in Canada, regardless of their income, age or where they work of live. For more information visit and